91 std::array<double, kCartDoF>
K_x_nom = {};
136 std::vector<double>
q = {};
151 std::vector<double>
dq = {};
164 std::vector<double>
tau = {};
189 std::vector<double>
q_e = {};
306 JPos(
const std::array<double, kSerialJointDoF>& _q,
307 const std::array<double, kMaxExtAxes>& _q_e = {})
315 std::array<double, kSerialJointDoF>
q = {};
320 std::array<double, kMaxExtAxes>
q_e = {};
343 Coord(
const std::array<double, kCartDoF / 2>& _position,
344 const std::array<double, kCartDoF / 2>& _orientation,
345 const std::array<std::string, 2>& _ref_frame,
346 const std::array<double, kSerialJointDoF>& _ref_q = {},
347 const std::array<double, kMaxExtAxes>& _ref_q_e = {})
376 std::array<double, kSerialJointDoF>
ref_q = {};
390 std::vector<int>, std::vector<double>, std::vector<std::string>, std::vector<rdk::JPos>,
391 std::vector<rdk::Coord>>;
Type of commonly-used reference coordinates.
World frame (fixed).
TCP frame (move with the robot's end effector).
constexpr size_t kMaxExtAxes
constexpr size_t kPoseSize
constexpr size_t kSerialJointDoF
constexpr size_t kCartDoF
Operational status of the robot. Except for the first two, the other enumerators indicate the cause o...
In recovery state, see recovery().
E-Stop is not released.
Ready to be operated.
In Manual mode, need to switch to Auto (Remote) mode.
In regular Auto mode, need to switch to Auto (Remote) mode.
Critical fault occurred, call ClearFault() to try clearing it.
Brake release in progress, please wait.
In reduced state, see reduced().
Not enabled, call Enable() to send the signal.
Minor fault occurred, call ClearFault() to try clearing it.
System still booting, please wait.
constexpr size_t kIOPorts
std::variant< int, double, std::string, rdk::JPos, rdk::Coord, std::vector< int >, std::vector< double >, std::vector< std::string >, std::vector< rdk::JPos >, std::vector< rdk::Coord > > FlexivDataTypes
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &ostream, const RobotInfo &robot_info)
Operator overloading to out stream all robot info in JSON format: {"info_1": [val1,...
Data structure representing the customized data type "COORD" in Flexiv Elements.
std::array< double, kCartDoF/2 > orientation
Coord(const std::array< double, kCartDoF/2 > &_position, const std::array< double, kCartDoF/2 > &_orientation, const std::array< std::string, 2 > &_ref_frame, const std::array< double, kSerialJointDoF > &_ref_q={}, const std::array< double, kMaxExtAxes > &_ref_q_e={})
Construct an instance of Coord.
std::array< std::string, 2 > ref_frame
std::array< double, kCartDoF/2 > position
std::array< double, kSerialJointDoF > ref_q
std::array< double, kMaxExtAxes > ref_q_e
Data structure representing the customized data type "JPOS" in Flexiv Elements.
std::array< double, kSerialJointDoF > q
JPos(const std::array< double, kSerialJointDoF > &_q, const std::array< double, kMaxExtAxes > &_q_e={})
Construct an instance of JPos.
std::array< double, kMaxExtAxes > q_e
Data structure containing information of the on-going primitive/plan.
std::string node_path_time_period
std::string assigned_plan_name
std::string node_path_number
General information about the connected robot.
std::vector< double > tau_max
std::vector< double > q_max
std::vector< double > dq_max
std::array< double, kCartDoF > K_x_nom
std::vector< double > K_q_nom
std::vector< double > q_min
Data structure containing the joint- and Cartesian-space robot states.
std::array< double, kCartDoF > ft_sensor_raw
std::array< double, kCartDoF > ext_wrench_in_world
std::vector< double > dtheta
std::vector< double > dq_e
std::vector< double > q_e
std::array< double, kCartDoF > ext_wrench_in_tcp
std::vector< double > tau_dot
std::array< double, kCartDoF > ext_wrench_in_tcp_raw
std::vector< double > tau_ext
std::array< double, kPoseSize > tcp_pose
std::vector< double > theta
std::array< double, kCartDoF > tcp_vel
std::vector< double > tau_des
std::array< double, kCartDoF > ext_wrench_in_world_raw
std::vector< double > tau
std::array< double, kPoseSize > flange_pose
std::vector< double > tau_e