Flexiv RDK APIs  1.6.0

This tutorial runs real-time joint torque control to hold or sine-sweep all robot joints. An outer position loop is used to generate joint torque commands. This outer position loop + inner torque loop together is also known as an impedance controller.

The impedance controller in this example is for demo purpose only and has no performance guarantee. To use the robot's built-in high-performance joint impedance controller, please refer to intermediate2_realtime_joint_impedance_control.cpp.
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <thread>
#include <atomic>
using namespace flexiv;
namespace {
constexpr double kLoopPeriod = 0.001;
const std::vector<double> kImpedanceKp = {3000.0, 3000.0, 800.0, 800.0, 200.0, 200.0, 200.0};
const std::vector<double> kImpedanceKd = {80.0, 80.0, 40.0, 40.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0};
constexpr double kSineAmp = 0.035;
constexpr double kSineFreq = 0.3;
std::atomic<bool> g_stop_sched = {false};
void PrintHelp()
// clang-format off
std::cout << "Required arguments: [robot_sn]" << std::endl;
std::cout << " robot_sn: Serial number of the robot to connect. Remove any space, e.g. Rizon4s-123456" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Optional arguments: [--hold]" << std::endl;
std::cout << " --hold: robot holds current joint positions, otherwise do a sine-sweep" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
// clang-format on
void PeriodicTask(
rdk::Robot& robot, const std::string& motion_type, const std::vector<double>& init_pos)
// Local periodic loop counter
static unsigned int loop_counter = 0;
try {
// Monitor fault on the connected robot
if (robot.fault()) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"PeriodicTask: Fault occurred on the connected robot, exiting ...");
// Target joint positions
std::vector<double> target_pos(robot.info().DoF);
// Set target position based on motion type
if (motion_type == "hold") {
target_pos = init_pos;
} else if (motion_type == "sine-sweep") {
for (size_t i = 0; i < target_pos.size(); ++i) {
target_pos[i] = init_pos[i]
+ kSineAmp * sin(2 * M_PI * kSineFreq * loop_counter * kLoopPeriod);
} else {
throw std::invalid_argument(
"PeriodicTask: Unknown motion type. Accepted motion types: hold, sine-sweep");
// Run impedance control on all joints
std::vector<double> target_torque(robot.info().DoF);
for (size_t i = 0; i < target_torque.size(); ++i) {
target_torque[i] = kImpedanceKp[i] * (target_pos[i] - robot.states().q[i])
- kImpedanceKd[i] * robot.states().dtheta[i];
// Send target joint torque to RDK server
robot.StreamJointTorque(target_torque, true);
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
g_stop_sched = true;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Program Setup
// =============================================================================================
// Parse parameters
if (argc < 2 || rdk::utility::ProgramArgsExistAny(argc, argv, {"-h", "--help"})) {
return 1;
// Serial number of the robot to connect to. Remove any space, for example: Rizon4s-123456
std::string robot_sn = argv[1];
// Print description
">>> Tutorial description <<<\nThis tutorial runs real-time joint torque control to hold "
"or sine-sweep all robot joints. An outer position loop is used to generate joint torque "
"commands. This outer position loop + inner torque loop together is also known as an "
"impedance controller.\n");
// Type of motion specified by user
std::string motion_type = "";
if (rdk::utility::ProgramArgsExist(argc, argv, "--hold")) {
spdlog::info("Robot holding current pose");
motion_type = "hold";
} else {
spdlog::info("Robot running joint sine-sweep");
motion_type = "sine-sweep";
try {
// RDK Initialization
// =========================================================================================
// Instantiate robot interface
rdk::Robot robot(robot_sn);
// Clear fault on the connected robot if any
if (robot.fault()) {
spdlog::warn("Fault occurred on the connected robot, trying to clear ...");
// Try to clear the fault
if (!robot.ClearFault()) {
spdlog::error("Fault cannot be cleared, exiting ...");
return 1;
spdlog::info("Fault on the connected robot is cleared");
// Enable the robot, make sure the E-stop is released before enabling
spdlog::info("Enabling robot ...");
// Wait for the robot to become operational
while (!robot.operational()) {
spdlog::info("Robot is now operational");
// Move robot to home pose
spdlog::info("Moving to home pose");
// Wait for the plan to finish
while (robot.busy()) {
// Real-time Joint Torque Control
// =========================================================================================
// Switch to real-time joint torque control mode
// Set initial joint positions
auto init_pos = robot.states().q;
spdlog::info("Initial joint positions set to: {}", rdk::utility::Vec2Str(init_pos));
// Create real-time scheduler to run periodic tasks
rdk::Scheduler scheduler;
// Add periodic task with 1ms interval and highest applicable priority
std::bind(PeriodicTask, std::ref(robot), std::ref(motion_type), std::ref(init_pos)),
"HP periodic", 1, scheduler.max_priority());
// Start all added tasks
// Block and wait for signal to stop scheduler tasks
while (!g_stop_sched) {
// Received signal to stop scheduler tasks
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
return 1;
return 0;